Steep Flower Show

Saturday August 24th, 2024


at Bedales School.


Thank you to everyone who joined us last year. We had torrential rain followed by hot sunshine, but it didn't matter to those who came. It was great to have so many participants and visitors who enjoyed drinking more tea and eating more cakes than ever! We are full of praise for everyone who managed to grow an entry despite the torrid weather conditions (and ongoing deer predation). The marquee, as ever, as you walked into it was an uplifting sight of beautiful flowers -as well as vegetables, art, photography, crafts, preserves and stunning cakes!  


We will continue keeping as many elements of the event as sustainable as possible, as well as making it a joyful highlight of the village calendar. In 2022 we introduced the new Sustainability Trophy and it's back this year so hopefully, you’ll not only enter but pick up a few more tips for your own sustainable gardening.


Please enter as many classes as you can. There really is something that everyone can have a go at, from age 4 upwards. To help us with this, we’d be really grateful if you would save paper by filling in the entry form through the link below. (The link and online payment will be active from mid-July)


So, ink the date into your diary and bring your friends and family to enjoy the wonderful atmosphere, flowers, vegetables, fruit, art, photos, crafts, music from a National Youth Jazz Orchestra quartet, raffle, tombola, outdoor games, produce stall and of course… lots of yummy cake!

Here is a link to the Flower Show schedule for you to check that you meet the entry requirements for the various classes!

Flower Show Schedule

The hard copy of this was included in the Steep Village Newsletter this April and you can pick one up in The Cricketers, too. We do hope that you will find a class or lots of classes to enter, and we warmly look forward to seeing you all at the show in August!

You will be able to enter and make online payments from mid-July.


Photos from last year

Click here

Giving Back – Thank you for your support!

Over the years our visitors and attendees at the Plant Sale and the Flower Show have been extremely generous both in taking part and in the cash spent on site as well as a few very generous larger donations from a range of local people. Steep Flower Show is a “not-for-profit local village event” run by volunteers. 

Over the years, with strict financial control, a contingency fund had built up and the committee decided that we had enough of a cash cushion to be able to distribute some of this to local gardening / environmental projects supporting the installation of security measures at The Adhurst Allotments (following a tragic large theft); providing a new Chicken Coop for Steep Junior School and setting up a small fund available via application to Bedales Students for their chosen environmental project.

We are currently seeking similar projects in Steep to donate to, so if you have any suggestions please do get in touch via our email,

The Committee and Volunteering!

Steep Flower Show and Plant Sale is run by a small party of volunteers as follows:

To contact any of us – please email:

Lynette Clarke – Chair. 07768 840959

Alison Driver – Secretary

Lucy McIlwraith - Treasurer

Mike Robinson – IT Manager

Maike Heining - Catering Manager

David Anson, Steve Amos and Catherine Downes – Committee Members

We are always looking for more people to help us with the various tasks on the days of the Plant Sale and The Show and on various days leading up to these dates. So please, if you can find even an hour or two a year to help out, that will make a lot of difference! Contacts as above.

Both The Chair and The Secretary

committed to three years in these posts and as this is their third year we will be looking for a new Chair and Secretary. Please do Contact as above to join us or learn more.

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